Bursa Textile Show which was organized with the leadership of Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, finished. The exhibition where firms of Bursa carried out over 5,000 interviews with around 3500 foreign and local buyers from over 40 countries created a platform for important co-operations. Almost 500 foreign company representatives from 40 countries came to the fair.

Bursa which is one of the leader city in Turkey at the textile industry, did the honor to the important organization that can increase industry’s foreign trade volume. Bursa Textile Show which was organized by the leadership of Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry and supported by Ministry of Commerce, Uludağ Exporters Association, KOSGEB and DOSABSİAD, had organized on 22-24 October 2019 at Merinos Atatürk Congress and Culture Center. 500 foreign professionals from 40 countries came to the fair where nearly 100 companies from Bursa opened their booths and exhibited their new creations.